Delivery Stage

We are already sending the Spanish versión of TSEUQUEST, both to backers and to stores. Even many Spanish backers had come to our facilities to pick up their game.

The visits are very pleasant and the reactions are positive. Really for both parties there is a mixture of relief and joy.

When we start distributing the games in the other four languages we will announce it publicly. There is no date at the moment.

There is some more content in Spanish updates, derived from the logistical action. Here we upload the updates:
You can check it with automatic translation.

About TSEUQUEST store version:

We apologize if you have ever written to us and we have been slow to respond or have not responded at all. Not discourtesy intended at all, we are just a small team and a lot of work, wich is a fatal combination. That forces us to have to triage.

We answer messages on a daily basis, but it is true that we give priority to those that really need our help. Those messages that can be answered by reading our updates on are skipped and we may take some more time to answer them.

We really appreciate your patience.